Welcome to
Prairie Baptist Church
PBC Leadership and Staff

I was born in Florence, Oregon, in July 1951. Moved to Coos Bay, Oregon when I was old enough to start Junior High school. Graduated Marshfield High School in 1969, went on to SWOCC, and obtained an Associate Degree in Woods Industry Technology. I did not grow up in a Christian home and knew really nothing of the Lord. I went into the Navy after college for four years, with a year off the coast of Vietnam. My ship participated in heavy combat roles. I was married during my military service and for a while after, had a daughter, and was divorced after nine years of marriage. Started work with the United States Forest Service in 1976 in John Day, Oregon, and retired after 34 ½ years. I believe the Lord guided me to my wife Donna of 39 years of marriage and two great kids that know the Lord. Donna helped me a lot before marriage as well as others to realize that there is a God that loves me. All I had to do was say yes to Him. I started in leadership as a Trustee, moved to Deacon, then on to Elder. I have been an Elder for over 25 years.

My family moved to Grant County when I was 13 and I have lived here most of my life since then. I went away to school for a few years and then spent some time working in northern Nevada where I met my wife Jennifer. We married in 1996. We have 3 adult kids that are married, and our youngest daughter is still in school.
We have been going to PBC for about 26 years where I have been an elder for a number of those. Jennifer and I have also helped lead AWANA for many years. I love ranch life and visiting with people. I love my family, being a grandpa, and the Lord Jesus Christ

I was born in John Day Oregon and grew up as a selfish unbeliever in a Christian home on a ranch east of Prairie City. Not being interested in the ranching lifestyle I picked up skateboarding at a young age and terrorized the community by riding everywhere possible. I lived the skateboarding lifestyle from one adrenaline rush to the next and not caring about anyone but myself.
At the age of 18, just before I was going to move to Portland Oregon to work and skate, my best friend sat me down, and the Holy Spirit used him and my growing depression/distaste with my sin to share the Gospel with me, and I became a Christian by the grace of God.
I moved to PDX and got deeply involved with an outreach ministry to the skateboard community there called SkateChurch where I was discipled in Christ and in ministry leadership for over 20 years.
Early on in my time at SkateChurch, I got laid off from my construction job and, at my dad’s recommendation, spent the summer helping out at Camp Elkanah where I met my wife. We were married in the year 2000, and God has blessed us with 4 children.
In 2018, the Lord provided for my family to move back to the John Day area where we began attending PBC regularly and were able to be closer to my aging parents.
I quickly got involved in leadership and preaching at PBC and became a lay elder in early 2023.
I enjoy being in the Word of God, preaching and teaching at PBC, spending as much time as possible with my family, and running the thriving contracting business the Lord has given me. (I rarely terrorize the community on my skateboard anymore…).

Brian Hardesty
I was born in Bend, OR, and moved to the Portland metro area where I was raised into adulthood. I grew up being somewhat active in the church but did not come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ until my early twenties. I now joyfully proclaim that I am a sinner who has been mercifully saved by the grace of Jesus Christ alone. Jesus Christ snatched me from the grip of the evil one and adopted me as His own child. In the Lord’s sovereign providence, the Lord called me into pastoral ministry in my mid-thirties. By the Lord’s grace, I have been blessed to be the husband of my precious bride Jamie, and the father of five wonderful children. As Paul says in Philippians 1:21 and Galatians 2:20, I gladly proclaim that my life is no longer my own, but that it is Christ’s.

Pastor to Poland
I was born in 1965 in Poland. When I was about 20 I managed to leave communist Poland and come over to America for a summer ministry. Then, at the end of 1986, I came to Prairie City for a couple of months before starting my studies at Multnomah Bible College. Upon graduating in 1992, I came to Prairie City and became an associate pastor at PBC. I was ordained a year later and in 1994 was sent by Prairie Baptist Church as a church planter to Poland. I taught at a seminary there for two years, and ever since I have been serving as pastor at a newly formed (1995) church in Wroclaw (southwestern Poland), as well as helping two other new churches (in Poznan and in Gdansk). I enjoy Christian apologetics, natural sciences, and hiking.


I am a God-fearing child of God. I love Jesus and want to make a difference for Him in this world. I am a wife and mother of 4 adult children and a grandma of 12. 😊 It is my hope to constantly grow and learn and accept that life brings changes. I want to run the race and never give up!

Youth Group

Kayley Hardesty
Office Manager/Secretary